11: Inspiring Leader Barry Robinson – Managing Director, Wyndham Hotel Group (Asia Pacific)

    This podcast features Barry Robinson, President and Managing Director, Wyndham Hotel Group and Vacation Resorts, Asia Pacific. Currently the Wyndham business generates $300 milion and have over 5000 employees worldwide. He started working in the local family business which was a couple of hospitality establishments in Dunedin, New Zealand and became a General Manager at the age of 27. He then moved to Indonesia and then China to lead global hotel chains within those regions. “Moving into Wyndham, I had a vision for the business and it was a lot different to what others had in mind. And the timeshare industry has been around for years and I was trying to make major changes in direction and philosophy [which] was very challenging for some people. I was seen as a young CEO. Looking back, I was trying to move too quickly, was too aggressive. That is one of the key learnings I had” – Barry Robinson. This podcast explores Barry’s transparent and resilient entrepreneurial leadership style and his inspirational career journey to date.       Shaun McCambridge – Inspirational Leaders Podcast Shaun McCambridge is the Managing Director of Stellar Recruitment (http://www.stellarrecruitment.com) , a devoted husband and father to four spritely children. Shaun created the Inspirational Leaders series to inspire emerging leaders and to shine a light on what it takes to be an inspirational leader.   Dunedin, New Zealand (https://www.dunedinnz.com/) Wyndham Hotel (http://www.wyndhamap.com/wps/wcm/connect/wyndham/home/home) Bill Moss, Macquarie Bank (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/mind-over-body/news-story/12f2e59aacd99113011bf3c30f441f5e) Sir Clifford Skeggs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Skeggs) Humbleness and humility (http://www.hotpepper.ca/blog/2015/09/21/difference-between-humility-and-humbleness/) Don’t play games (http://www.wagonheim.com/playing-mind-games-in-business/) Methodical  (http://www.thwink.org/sustain/articles/000_AnalyticalApproach/index.htm) Formulating a plan (https://onstrategyhq.com/resources/how-to-write-a-strategic-plan/) Have a recruitment regime  (https://www.betterteam.com/recruiting-strategies) Hire genuine employees  (http://blogs.workday.com/hire-and-keep-the-right-employees/) Integrated customer service team (https://www.helpscout.net/helpu/customer-support-department/) Dedication to customer service (https://daymondjohnssuccessformula.com/launch-pad/customer-service-is-more-important/) Redefine a business (https://www.forbes.com/sites/homaycotte/2015/12/29/3-ways-to-redefine-your-business-in-2016/#4e794c436731) Grow your profit (https://www.myob.com/au/blog/10-ways-to-increase-your-profit-margins/) Resilience  (https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/resilience) Allocates time off for family (http://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/advice/maximize-family-time/) Healthy body + healthy mind (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201302/7-habits-healthy-mind-in-healthy-body) Develop the team around you (https://www.forbes.com/sites/joefolkman/2016/04/13/are-you-on-the-team-from-hell-5-ways-to-create-a-high-performance-team/#343f2b1b7ee2) Continually evolve (http://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-should-companies-evolve) Leave a legacy of being dynamically different  (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/joan-moran/5-ways-to-leave-a-great-l_b_7148112.html)   Also available on: iTunes Store
 This podcast features Barry Robinson, President and Managing Director, Wyndham Hotel Group and Vacation Resorts, Asia Pacific. Currently the Wyndham business generates $300 milion and have over 5000 employees worldwide. He started working in the local family business which was a couple of hospitality establishments in Dunedin, New Zealand and became a General Manager at the age of 27. He then moved to Indonesia and then China to lead global hotel chains within those regions.

“Moving into Wyndham, I had a vision for the business and it was a lot different to what others had in mind. And the timeshare industry has been around for years and I was trying to make major changes in direction and philosophy [which] was very challenging for some people. I was seen as a young CEO. Looking back, I was trying to move too quickly, was too aggressive. That is one of the key learnings I had” – Barry Robinson.

This podcast explores Barry’s transparent and resilient entrepreneurial leadership style and his inspirational career journey to date.    


Shaun McCambridge – Inspirational Leaders Podcast

Shaun McCambridge is the Managing Director of Stellar Recruitment, a devoted husband and father to four spritely children. Shaun created the Inspirational Leaders series to inspire emerging leaders and to shine a light on what it takes to be an inspirational leader.



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11: Inspiring Leader Barry Robinson – Managing Director, Wyndham Hotel Group (Asia Pacific)
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