Stellar X - 2. James Laughlin - How Vision Precedes Victory

James Laughlin recently spoke at our Stellar X event. Tune in for some great learnings around why Vision precedes victory.
2:35 What you can hold in your head, you can hold in your hand. Everything stems from a vision. 

3:30 The clearer the vision, the easier it is to achieve it and the easier it is to inspire others.  

5:00 Your vision can be destroyed or damaged along the way, 

5:45 Feelings trigger images and images can trigger actions and behaviours.

6:15 Emotional visualisation exercise.  

9:30 The Ukrainian lawyer turned soldier. His vision: Freedom - Winning the war for family and community. Nothing else matters. Wouldn’t allow himself to discuss anything else—total focus.

11:50 Slide 6 - Imagine that focus in the corporate sphere. Vision precedes victory. High performance is performing above the standard norms, over the long term, whilst maintaining positive relationships and well-being.

13:00 Sometimes high performers get their priorities out of whack, leading to depression, suicide, etc. 

14:15 NZ high depression rates. Losing sight of balance.

15:30 The performance of the All Blacks rugby team. Why did their performance levels drop? Their cultural mix was changing so their mission and messaging was less effective. So they had to adapt the Hakka, etc to ensure that everyone’s vision was incorporated. “Tell us about your culture, your rituals, so we can attach your personal meaning.”

Your dreams don’t necessarily resonate with anyone else, family etc, if you don’t attach their personal meaning to it. 

16:45 The psychologist who worked as Steve Jobs’ EA, because she attached herself to his vision and knew that she could make a contribution towards him achieving it.

17:50 Clarify your purpose. What is your leader’s most important job? The well-being of your tribe/team.

19:15 Connect. Nobody can do it alone. People want to work with people.

20:15 Don’t get caught in being busy. It means a lack of priorities.

22:30 A 5-year-old’s vision of getting out of Northern Ireland and away from the conflict. 

24:30 Drumsticks or detention. Establishing positive visions & purpose from positive messaging. 

28:00 Who do you surround yourself with? Ensure they have a positive influence.

29:00 I had different strategies along the way, but I stayed congruent with my vision. 

29:30 The CEO focussed on one metric, not 12. The vision: A whole Taco. One singular focus that lifted all boats & ensured that other targets were met. 

31:30 Anderson vs Scott and the South Pole challenge. Preparedness & individual input vs just follow me. Vision precedes victory. 

34:30 Vision & leadership. Mandela’s vision was so clear, equality, and he was prepared to die or be incarcerated. Everything he did took him closer to bringing his vision into reality. He focused on getting a great team around him, so they were ready to help form a government. He maintained humility, dignity & forgiveness.

39:15 Vision without action is just a dream. How clear are you on your vision?

Ends: 39:50 Questions follow.

Stellar X - 2. James Laughlin - How Vision Precedes Victory
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